
Ow! Stupid thorn. They're EVERYWHERE this time of the year! I straightened my hair and slipped my high heels back on, trying to look like I HADN'T just been to a crazy party where the building had blown up and then been chased by a couple a' criminals. And no I am not exaggerating, that really did just happen. 

"Kaydance Olivia Sewel!"

Oh gosh.

"Where have you been!?" My "baby-sitter" Thia asked, anger rising in her voice.

Help me please.

"We have looked everywhere!" She went on, not giving me time to answer.

"Oh no. No. No. No!" She put her hands on her hips. "You did not go with those Brownlee children again did you?!"

"Back off! Leave Scott, Luke, and Lili alone!" My own anger about to bubble over the top. Gee, being the Kal's daughter is HARD. 


I said it, I'm the Kal's daughter, so awesome, yada yada yada...

I stormed past her, not taking a single glance backwards until I was safley in my locked room. Looking around at my cream colored walls, decorated with fashion posters, I thought about my day. After a quick shower and a change of clothes I went downstairs, grabbed a few cookies and hurried up to my room before I could get caught. Flumping onto my bed, I flipped the tv on. Ugh the News. I was just about to change channels when I heard my name. Oh crud,

"...Along with several others we saw our very own Kaydance fleeing the scene of the blown up building..."

Oh crud. Oh crud. Oh crud. If my dad saw this-
"KAYDANCE OLIVIA GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!!!!!" his voice boomed throughout the large house.

Well. lets go find out what would happen if my dad saw this.

"Yes, daddy?" I asked, playing sweet.

"I was just watching tv and-"

"I'm so sorry daddy! it just looked so fun and I couldn't help it!" I interrupted.


Nobody talked at dinner. I swear the air was so thick with tension that I coulda' cut it with a knife. I shoveled down my dinner, dying to get away from the strained silence between my dad and I. I looked down at my dinner, meat. I felt so.... uncomfortable eating it knowing that we took it from people who are probably sitting at their tables with nothing to eat. As you can tell, I don't often agree with my dads point of view on things. 

"May I be excused?"

"I suppose Kaydance, but you have barely eaten anything!" The housekeeper, Martha, sounded beaten with worry, "Are you okay?" 

"Toatally." I replied suavely


Eugh. Pulling my self out of a deep sleep, I clumsily reached for my phone and looked at the caller ID. It was my friend Esmerelda.

"Kay! Did you hear?!"

"Hear what?" I asked groggily.

"Tomas Greer got shot!"

Tomas Greer was like Esmerelda's FAVORITE actor.

"Oh no!" I said, trying not to feel fed up with all the Tomas Greer talks from her 24/7. "Alright well I need to get to sleep so see ya later."

"Ok!" She replied sounding heart-broken about the injury of her favorite actor.
I set down my phone ad fell into a deep, deep, sleep. And, unfortunately, deep sleep comes with strange dreams.

"No! Please!" pleaded a strange girl with brown hair and electric blue eyes. "It's not my fault! You have the wrong girl!" 

Then suddenly my dad came in the picture. The Kal, showing himself? Strange...  He laughed maniacally and said in a booming voice "You know not of the things you have caused! You will receive punishment!"

"Please! It wasn't me! I didn't do it!" The girl repeated, reduced to tears.

Suddenly the dream changed to a horrific scene. Screaming children ran for cover, rocks flew over head, people shouted angrily. I tried to make out what the problem was when the dream changed again. 

I was in my dads office. 

"This is unbelievable." My dad said astounded. "It cannot be."

"But it is sir!" Said the messenger daringly.

"How did it happen?" He asked, anger flashing in his eyes. "Nobody has ever dared revolt in my control!"

"A girl sir, a girl." The messenger said sadly. "Apparently those in control of her village hung her family. She started a revolt against cruel punishment."

"Thats all?" Asked The Kal.

"Yes, sir."

"Bring her to me"


"No! NO!!! Please! Please!!!!" Screamed the girl as the door of her cell shut, fading her screams.

"What must be done, must be done." Said my father. I had never seen him like this. He was always so nice to me. Did I not know him as well as I thought I did?

Ironically my dream changed to Language Arts class. Feeling the warm sun-rays on my face, I slowly pulled myself out of the dream.

I turned on the tv and the news blared "...Revolt sending hundreds hungry and homeless. One girl missing, Kaya, has brown hair and sharp features, if you see her please report. Rumors state that the Kal is angry..."

For some reason I didn't think that dream had been a real dream, and I was going find out why.